
The first platform for managing educational institutions

The first platform for managing educational institutions that provides you with an independent dashboard for the educational institution, teacher, and student

Our Inspirational Journey The Story Of Our Developments And Achievements

Our journey started with a simple idea: How can we make the testing process more efficient and smoother. This vision was formed in an educational platform that began to take shape, was developed, and improved until it was ready for launch. Today we are about to launch the beta version of our Mitests platform, and this step is very important for us. We look forward to sharing our platform with educational institutions around the world and hope that this will have a positive impact on improving the educational process.

Statistics MiTests
+ 838

Number of Tests

+ 8373

Number of Students

+ 543

Number of Teachers

+ 438


Our Vision

At Mitests, we look forward to an idea where taking an exam transforms from a burden into an opportunity to learn and grow. We see a horizon where teachers and students can handle exams efficiently and effectively, using modern educational technologies that allow them to focus on what really matters – learning. We see an educational platform that respects the time and efforts of teachers, allowing them to create exams and tests in an easy and efficient way. We see a future where students can focus on learning and preparing for exams without the extra anxiety that usually comes with exams. At the heart of our vision for the future is the confidence that education can be simpler and more effective. We see a world where the exam is an integral part of the learning process, contributing to understanding, confidence and progress rather than just being a routine requirement.

Our Approach

At Mitests, we take a student-centered approach to both the teacher, putting the teacher and student experience at the heart of everything we do. We aim to provide an easy-to-use platform that streamlines the examination process, with a focus on providing powerful and diverse assessment tools that meet the needs of teachers and students. Our approach involves the continuous development and improvement of our platform, by listening carefully to feedback and suggestions from our users. We value valuable feedback and consider it an essential driver to improve our products and services. Also, our approach is based on encouraging collaboration and participation among teachers, offering a platform that allows them to share exams and educational resources with each other, fostering a rich and collaborative learning environment. We believe that education is a force that can change the world, and our approach reflects that belief. At Mitests, we adopt a futuristic vision for education, where modern technology provides effective and diverse tools that enhance and facilitate the learning and assessment process.

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Work Crew

At Mitests, we take a student-centered approach to both the teacher, putting the teacher and student experience at the heart of everything we do. We aim to provide an easy-to-use platform that streamlines the examination process, with a focus on providing powerful and diverse assessment tools that meet the needs of teachers and students. Our approach involves the continuous development and improvement of our platform, by listening carefully to feedback and suggestions from our users. We value valuable feedback and consider it an essential driver to improve our products and services. Also, our approach is based on encouraging collaboration and participation among teachers, offering a platform that allows them to share exams and educational resources with each other, fostering a rich and collaborative learning environment. We believe that education is a force that can change the world, and our approach reflects that belief. At Mitests, we adopt a futuristic vision for education, where modern technology provides effective and diverse tools that enhance and facilitate the learning and assessment process.

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